Like all parts, a turbocharger will eventually wear out. If your vehicle is noticeably low on power, there’s a lot of smoke coming from the exhaust, or you notice a whining sound, it could be a sign that your turbo is bad and needs replacing. +Read more
However, unlike some parts, a turbo doesn’t always need to be tossed — and can sometimes be refurbished. A broken 6.0 Powerstroke turbine shaft is a common cause of turbocharger failure. If the turbo is poorly lubricated, the shaft can wear down and eventually snap.
Two major parts of a Ford Truck’s turbocharger are the Ford 6.0 turbo housings. The housings consist of 6.0 Powerstroke turbo exhaust housing and the 6.0 Powerstroke turbo compressor housing. If either 6.0 Powerstroke turbo housing is cracked or worn, it will need replacement.
If you’re replacing a damaged compressor housing, then it may be worth performing a 6.0 Powerstroke turbo compressor housing upgrade. The amount of labor involved will be the same, but you’ll be replacing the housing with a higher-quality part that will last longer and perform more efficiently. The same logic applies to exhaust housing replacements.
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